Issue #263  10/26/2023
Bidding Is Open on Photo Review Benefit Auction to Be Held Saturday, October 28th
Brett Weston, Leaf Cluster, Hawaii, 1978, Silver print, at Photo Review auction.
Brett Weston, Leaf Cluster, Hawaii, 1978, Silver print, at Photo Review auction.

The Photo Review, a critical journal of photography founded in 1976, will celebrate its 48th anniversary with a special Annual Benefit Auction on Saturday, October 28th, at 4 pm at the Moore College of Art & Design, 1916 Race St., Philadelphia, PA 19103. The auction will offer a significant array of photographs from the 19th century to the present.

Once again The Photo Review will offer its "End This Auction" feature. Bid the high estimate on any unsold lot by 6 pm EST on October 27th by emailing auction@photoreview.org, faxing 1-215-891-9358, or calling 1-215-891-0214 and your bid will be considered the winning bid and the work will be withdrawn from the auction.

Barbara Morgan, Martha Graham, American Document (Trio - Maslow, Flier, Mazia), 1938, Silver print, at Photo Review Auction.
Barbara Morgan, Martha Graham, American Document (Trio - Maslow, Flier, Mazia), 1938, Silver print, at Photo Review Auction.

The event will feature an international slate of photographers as well as a host of Philadelphia artists. Beginning and experienced collectors alike will have the opportunity to bid on work by such historic masters as Berenice Abbott, Ansel Adams, Robert Asman, Eugène Atget, George Barker, Felice Beato, Théo Blanc and Antoine Demilly, Karl Blossfeldt, Aubrey Bodine, Mathew Brady, William Clift, Alvin Langdon Coburn, Konrad Cramer, Edward S. Curtis, F. Czihak, William Edward Dassonville, Jack Delano, André Adolphe-Eugene Disderi, Louis H. Draper, Walker Evans, Dennis Farber, Adolf Fassbender, Louis Faurer, Godfrey Frankel, Francis Frith, Alexander Gardner, P. Guidi, George P. Hall, Philippe Halsman, David Harris, Paul Haviland, David Octavius Hill & Robert Adamson, William Henry Jackson & Company, Horst P. Horst, Willy Kessels, Rebecca Lepkoff, Edwin Hale Lincoln, Winston Link, George Platt Lynes, Nathan Lyons, Leonard Misonne, Albert Monier, Barbara Morgan, Wright Morris, Bruce Murray, Sr., Eadweard Muybridge, Paul Nadar, National Child Labor Committee, William Notman, Enrico Pedrotti, John Pfahl, Ivo Prikryl, Achille Quinet, Louis Renault, Arthur Rothstein, Paul Thompson, John Vachon, Charles Weed, Brett Weston, Garry Winogrand, and Yvon (Jean Pierre Yves Petit).

William Edward Dassonville, Monterey Pine Trees by Ocean, 1920s, Dassonville's own hand-coated paper, at Photo Review Auction.
William Edward Dassonville, Monterey Pine Trees by Ocean, 1920s, Dassonville's own hand-coated paper, at Photo Review Auction.

Among the contemporary photo stars whose work will go on the block are Mariette Pathy Allen, Barbara Alper, Merry Alpern, Dave Anderson, Dick Arentz, Abe Aronow, David Aschkenas, Steven Benson, Zeke Berman, Diana Hooper Bloomfield, Chan Chao, Lois Conner, Linda Connor, Jess T. Dugan, Leonard Eiger, Elliott Erwitt, Ron Evans, Diane Farris, Larry Fink, Neil Folberg, Martine Fougeron, Joy Goldkind, David Graham, Lois Greenfield, Margo L. Hamilton, Pamela Ellis Hawkes, Ken Hawkins, Jefferson Hayman, Béatrice Helg, Yuichi Hibi, Robert Hirsch, Kay Kenny, Frazier King, Mark Klett, Les Krims, Gerald Lang and Jennifer Anne Tucker, David Lebe, David Levinthal, Richard Lorenz, Richard Margolis, Scott McMahon, Susan Meiselas, David Herr Orbock, Bill Owens, Larry Racioppo, Lisa Robinson, Michelle Sank, Lynn Saville, Wendi Schneider, Aldo Sessa, Joel Simpson, Neal Slavin, Christine O Sobczak, Catherine Steinmann, Robert Stivers, Jim Stone, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Maggie Taylor, George A. Tice, Ted Trimbur, Milos Vojir, Hiroshi Watanabe, Naomi Weissman, and David H. Wells.

André Adolphe-Eugene Disderi, Edward Francis Rimbault , English Organist, Pianist and Author, 1865, Albumen print, at Photo Review Auction.
André Adolphe-Eugene Disderi, Edward Francis Rimbault , English Organist, Pianist and Author, 1865, Albumen print, at Photo Review Auction.

Featured local luminaries include James B. Abbott, Geoffrey Agrons, John A. Benigno, Howard Brunner, Diane Burko, Charmaine Caire, Gerald Cyrus, Sandra C. Davis, Harvey Finkle, David Freese, Tom Goodman, Marvin Greenbaum, David W. Haas, Jeffrey Holder, Walter Holt, Richard Kent, Brian Lav, Jenny Lynn, Ben Marcin, Dan Marcolina, Stephen Perloff, Thomas Porett, Amie Potsic, Gary Saretzky, John Slavin, Ruth Thorne-Thomsen, Blaise Tobia, Sarah Van Keuren, Christine Welch, and Byron Wolfe.

In addition, a broad range of 19th-century and vernacular photographs is up for bid. According to Photo Review editor Stephen Perloff, prices will range from $25 to $10,000.

A preview will be held at Moore on Friday, October 27, 12–5 pm, and Saturday, October 28, 11 am until 3 pm. A reception from 3–4 pm on Saturday will honor the Spruance Art Gallery and the Photography Department of Arcadia University, the recipient of The 2023 Photo Review Award. Buyers can preview the live auction online and at https://photoreview.org/events/2023-benefit-auction/2023-benefit-auction-catalog/.