Edouard Baldus
Ecole Militaire, Paris

Hippolyte Bayard
Portrait de Femme Agée

Gustave de Beaucorps
Puerta del Sol, Puerta Morisca, Toledo

Octave de Bermond de Vaulx (attributed to)
Rome, Possibly Largo di Torre Argentina before Excavation

Louis De Clercq
View of the Alhambra, Great Courtyard in Front of Ambassador's Hall

Maxime Du Camp
Gournah, Colosse Monolithe d'Aménôpht III; Thèbes, Egypt

Maxime Du Camp
Ibsamboul, Partie Septentrionale Du Spéos D'Hathor; Nubie, Egypt

Maxime Du Camp
Palmiers Doums

Auguste Laresche et Th. Monaton
Ruins in Sicily, Temple of Juno

Henri Le Secq
Antique Terracotta Relief of an Angel Slaying a Bull

Henri Le Secq
Base Reliefs from the Rouen Cathedral, Portail des Libraire

Henri Le Secq
Cathédrale Notre-Dame, portail méridional, Paris
101 French Calotypes: 1843-1860
Exhibited and Sold By
Contemporary Works / Vintage Works, Ltd.
258 Inverness Circle
Chalfont, Pennsylvania 18914 USA
Contact Alex Novak and Marthe Smith
Email info@vintageworks.net
Phone +1-215-518-6962
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