Michael Philip Manheim
After a High School Football Game in Alliance, OH

Michael Philip Manheim
Another Kiss (From Rhythm from Within Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Banished from Paradise 2 (From Rhythm from Within Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Boys at the Wall, Jerusalem

Michael Philip Manheim
Breaking Wave

Michael Philip Manheim
Cosmos (From Rhythm from Within Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Crew on the Schuylkill River

Michael Philip Manheim
Dancing Dryads (From Rhythm from Within Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Flight (From Mating Dance Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Floating Star (From Aqua Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Fumble Tumble, Philadelphia, PA (From See-Saw Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Girl Smoking

Michael Philip Manheim
Girl Smoking

Michael Philip Manheim
In a Labyrinth: The Dance of Butoh (Signed Copy)

Michael Philip Manheim
In My Dreams (From Rhythm from Within Series)

Michael Philip Manheim
Ladies Leaping, Alliance, Ohio (From See-Saw Series)